Sunday, October 7, 2018

Looks harder than it is: fish poached in coconut milk

Ciao ragazzi.  Annalena realized today that she will not be around next week, so she's trying to get her recipes out now, so you are not deprived of them.  (Some of you, by the way, would do well to bookmark this page if you like the recipes, as Annalena is doing a facebook purge in honor of her birthday).
Can we have a show of hands:  how many of you don't cook fish because it's too hard?  Hmmm.  How about the rest of you who are lying?
AHA.  Annalena knew it.  Truth to be told, some fish IS harder to cook than other proteins, but it does not have to be.  Annalena cooks fish at least one day a week.  She does not spend much time in the kitchen doing it: no more than about half an hour.  And with this recipe, you are going to find that you spend just about that length of time, and you get a product which, well, JUST LOOK AT IT!!!!

So, ragazzi, let's begin.  You need to prep your aromatics:

What we have there, is one large jalapeno pepper, sliced (don't leave it out.  This is not a spicy dish and the pepper gives it bass notes), up at top. To the left, we have the sliced greens of a small bunch of scallions.  In the middle, a two inch slice of ginger, peeled and cut into strips.  To the right of the ginger,  we have two sliced cloves of garlic.  Finally, to the right of the ginger, we have a sliced shallot. 

Take everything but the scallions, and toss them into a big pot, with two tablespoons of vegetable oil, and saute until they begin to color:

When that happens, add two, 13 ounce containers of FULL FAT coconut milk.  Ragazzi, when you make this dish, you are working with very few calories.  Even full fat coconut milk, is not that fattening, and you need that richness for the fish you are going to use.  You will also want to add about 2 tablespoons of fish sauce.  (Annalena did not take pictures of this, and she apologizes). 

Bring this to medium heat, and let it come to a simmer.  While that is happening, prep your fish.  This is a pound of beautiful codfish, salted lightly, on both sides:

Put this in the coconut milk and aromatics, and lower the heat a bit.  Poach it for about 7 minutes.  Get a paddle, and pull it out of the milk, and if you have some rice  ready:

Now for some greens.  Annalena used bok choi.  Her recipe called for baby bok choi, which Annalena could not find.  So she used a mammoth bunch.  Since the leaves of bok choi cook faster than the stems, make a nice vertical cut, as such:

Take the white stems, and put them into the hot coconut milk.  After three minutes, add the leaves.  After another two minutes, fish them all out, together with the aromatic vegetables.  Add the scallion grens. Put everything over your fish and then, get a big spoon, and add the flavored coconut milk:

This really is not very difficult, is it ragazzi?  Do yourself a favor,  try this recipe.  You will NOT be disappointed. 

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